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  • Writer's picturephilippe bailleur

You prefer audio? Time for a podcast ...

Visual by Hans Hoegaerts

Some years ago, I translated my book on Trauma in Organizations. Why? The Dutch version of the book was rewarded, as best management book of the year. This, together with the request for a translation, pushed me to dive into this adventure.

Next to that, more and more companies start opening their doors for this topic. Why? The relational wiring of a company is becoming a 'need to have' to thrive in a VUCA-world. Even more, the relational wiring is becoming a strategic asset. I consider writing a blog on that later this year. Doing this kind of work keeps bringing me new insights, which I like to share via my blogs and/or via webinars.

The English book had another positive effect on the work, combined with the COVID-pandemic that forced/supported me to work in a virtual way. Because of the English version of STUCK, I have been invited for several conferences that needed to shift to a virtual format. This pushed (and keeps pushing) me to polish the concepts of this emerging field. Because, if we want to open corporate doors for this kind of work, we need to look for the right language. If not corporate doors won't open while in the same moment there is a real need to work with the relational wiring, that is under severe pressure exactly because of the COVID-pandemic.

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world," Ludwig Wittgenstein:

So part of my work is about creating language. If this is the first time you read or hear about, what I started calling, the relational wiring of a company and you'd like to go a little deeper in the topic of system trauma (= trauma of this relational wiring), you can follow several tracks:

  1. Listen to the interview with Jennifer Campbell about System Trauma. This interview was part of her Systemic Leadership Summit - 2021. This summit is a great opportunity to listen to opinion leaders in the field of systems thinking, systemic leadership, systemic work, ... . A true source of inspiration and nice company while traveling.

  2. Next to that you can download a free pre-read of STUCK via the following link. Or you'll get a pop-up or you'll find a spot to subscribe so you can download the preview. After subscribing, you'll get a free chapter of STUCK and some blogs that go a little deeper in the topic of system trauma.

  3. A logic next step would be to buy and read the book. It's available via amazon as paperback (in POD) or as e-book. You prefer reading the Dutch edition? There is a revised 4th edition of the book with 100 extra pages. You can order it via the following link.

Feel free to reach out:

  • If you want to deepen this work. We're still exploring, finding and building ...

  • If you'd like to share thoughts on a specific case ...

  • If you'd like to organize a webinar or a training on this topic for your company, network, ...

I hope finding the time to write about some new insights that are emerging at this moment.

Thanks for opening up for this work.


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